Monday, May 24, 2010

Children's Book Monday

Today's selection has made it home from the library in our book bag more than once.
Originally drawn to the pretty pink spine and the front cover covered in hearts, my daughter Noraa chose this book "on impulse".  Scanning the pages and illustrations I quickly approved and nodded my assent.  The smile was priceless and though she wanted to read it right then and there, it was later curled up on our couch that the story of The Love~Me Bird unfolded. 
Written by Joyce Dunbar and illustrated by Sophie Fatus, the Love Me Bird is a sweet story of an unfortunate owl named "Shut-Eye" who gets anything but that due to a sweet but sad and lonely "love me" bird.  Daily she sings from her perch "Love me, love me, love me." (Not unlike some humans!) Yet there is no answer to her call.  Shut Eye willingly gives lots of advice, from changing her appearance, and acting helpless to playing hard to get and building a nest.  However none of these things helped the love me bird as she desperately cried out for someone to love her.(Oh the things we do to draw love to ourselves!)
The lesson comes in the last bit of advice Shut eye gives the desperate bird. "Sing a different tune" she says... And so the love me bird does; "love you, love you, love you" she croons.  Wings flutter and in swoops another love me bird! (Amazing what happens when we take the focus off self!)
I love the lessons and parallels we have been able to draw from this sweet, frilly, heart filled book.  May it grace your family and teach your children the importance of drawing others to themselves through their love!

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