Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Today has been a good day.
The laundry is done, the kitchen sink is free from dirty dishes, and the children were excited about school. I put on a pair of Old Navy gauchos that I bought at a thrift store for 25 cents, and they look fantastic! After being "car less" for two days, my husband brought our only vehicle home from the shop. I know not every day will be like this so I take delight in the fact that today has been a good day.
Every day is the opportunity, the chance to do something great. Our Father wipes the slate clean and extends new mercies each and every morning. What a comfort. What a joy. (Especially on those days when things look dim)
Yesterday my amazing husband asked this question on his FaceBook status: "What will you be about today?" It's the question we should ask ourselves each and every morning when we wake up. Not to wonder about the never ending task list of things to accomplish, not what will you do, but rather what will you BE.
Today, as it has been a good day, I have been praise. As we lit our candle to begin our school day we sang a song and I thought about praise. As my younger daughter took to drawing in her journal with exuberance, I was about praising her excitement and a job well done. And for the first time in a long time I didn't focus on what I had to get done. For that He gets praise!

What will you be today?

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!" 1 Peter 1:3

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