Thursday, February 3, 2011


Wow! I'm so excited that you're here!  When I found out that I would be featured on the Favorite Things blog I thought I would need to write something amazing and profound... but then I realized: I already have! It's all right there in the archives...So welcome to my blog and feel free to take a look around!  You can read about me under the tab titled "The Homemaker".  In the side bar you'll see that I've labeled my posts to fit in a variety of categories. Some have more posts than others because I blog as the Spirit moves me! You'll find that I spend a lot of my time in the kitchen and the laundry room... and if you are a homemaker I'm sure you can relate!  I like to share some of my favorite recipes as well as household tips that make my days a little bit easier. (I also like to blog about children's books, found under "Children's Book Monday" though there's no category to the right!)
So thank you dear friend for coming my way today.  I do hope you like what you see and come back again to read more! If you would like to introduce yourself please do so in the comments below!

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