Thursday, April 26, 2012

Cancer Sucks

Today's post is more of just an awareness raiser than my thoughts on anything.  You see, my friend is dying.  He's got cancer, and his time is coming to a close.  He's married to my good friend and my heart aches for her and their two precious children.  I weep for their family and for his parents.  I struggle with his incredibly optimistic and real view of faith and death.  But more than that I'm in awe of his eternal perspective and his desire to share his story with so many.  He's younger than me, in fact I helped out in his youth group when I was in college, but his maturity in faith surpasses my wildest dreams.

So I invite you to take some time.  Read through his blog roll, but make sure you have some Kleenex beside you, because you will cry...

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