Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Julie & Julia

So last night Aaron had to study and I was just not in a "reading" mood. I ran to the red box near by and checked out the movie Julie & Julia. It's based on the book (and blog)of Julie Powell. She was needing something in her life. She wanted purpose and meaning and something to look forward to. She wanted a goal; an attainable goal. And thus birthed the challenge; cooking her way through Julia Child's cookbook in one year! Whew! What a task... not only are the recipes difficult, but there are 536 of them to conquer in only 365 days!
The movie was delightful. My husband even took a "study break" to finish watching it with me.
What I found most interesting was this entire blogging world that has come to be. I am a fairly new blogger (a little over a year now). I came into it pretty innocently actually. My husband set up a family blog for us to keep friends and family updated on our daily **ahem** I mean, weekly **ahem** OKAY fine, our "whenever I get around to posting it" family happenings. Then, when we were participating in the Financial Peace University at our Church, I started a blog of my own, with household tips for saving money! It has since "transformed" itself into what you are reading right now... the general musings on how I can become a better homemaker. (sheesh, sorry about all the links, but these are such areas of interest for me!! I thought you might like them too!)

::So, the lesson for today? What can I take from Julie & Julia to better my life as a homemaker?

Two things:
First, do what you enjoy and you will find fulfilment. Even in the dark times (when your souffle falls or your beef bourguignon burns) you can look at the fruit of your labors and be satisfied that you have accomplished something.
Second, the true story of Julie and the story pictured in the movie is pretty different. Sometimes it's better to live in your dream world! I don't know where the quote comes from, but I heard someone say once
"It's easier to act your way into a way of feeling, than to feel your way into a
way of acting."

I know I've certainly benefited from thinking this way. So for me, I will continue to dream and see myself as June Cleaver. Maybe someday I too will wear pearls and heals in the kitchen!

I leave you with a clip from Julia, enjoy!

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