Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ordinary? Not so much...

Today over at Chatting at the Sky we are talking about seeing God in the ordinary things of life.
For me today, it's an achy back and the satisfaction of knowing my spring planting is done.  (Pictured is my "salsa box"  Cilantro, jalapenos & tomatoes)

 To think that God gave us this earth to use for not only our pleasure, but our nourishment as well.  Thank You Lord.  I love getting my hands in the dirt, and in so feeling Him.  He is present.
 Working hard is what makes us feel alive.  I know this from the three years of toil in our back yard.  From the sunburned necks, the sore muscles the effort to make our "jungle" a place for fellowship.

 To  know that from the sweat of our brow, our back yard has gone from THIS:


It does my heart good.  He is here as we make our house a home, and our yard into a place of relaxation, fun and fellowship.

1 comment:

Kerilyn said...

I love your idea of a "salsa box". Also, let me know if you have any luck with the cilantro, as I NEVER have had such luck...and then let me in on your secret. Mine always goes crazy and turns into pod-like sprouty thingy-ma-jigs. ;-)