Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Preparing for Easter

Normally at this time I'm focused on pretty dresses, new white shoes, bunnies, colorful eggs and entirely too much chocolate.  This year, things are different.  I have not brought out the baskets, the plastic eggs my kids so enjoy or the little tree from which tiny wooden painted bunnies and eggs dangle.  They've stayed tucked away.  I brought out purple curly ribbon in an attempt at a reminder. Asking the children to help me tie it on things that open.  Together we made crosses from twigs in the back yard.  But it's not enough. It's never enough.  My desire to do good deepens the knowledge of how bad I truly am.  How can one prepare for Easter?  Is it within our ability to prepare?  Or is that the point...?  All we can do is wait.  Anticipate, and wait.

A few years ago I was blessed to play the part of Mary Magdalene in our church's production of the Easter Story.  As I approached the tomb I placed myself there. To bury my Lord.  I cried.  It became real to me.  As the "angel" spoke the words "He is not here..." and the crowd waited for my solo to begin a swell rose within my soul.  He. Is. Not. Here.  HE IS RISEN!  The words that came from my mouth suddenly echoed what was in my heart...You have turned my mourning into dancing!  He arose.  He lives.  We anticipate this day, this celebration knowing the outcome, knowing the happy ending to the sad story.  Knowing that it doesn't end with our shortcomings (Praise God!) but with His mercies, His sacrifice for ALL and with His unconditional love.

Please join Ann as we prepare for Easter.

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